Frequently Asked Questions...
Why an INSEAD Alumni Healthcare Network?
Medicine is a complex field where progress is made through a combination of research, dialogue, application, observation and exchange. We believe that the business of healthcare is no different. Private industry can meet many of the healthcare challenges the world faces today and INSEAD Alumni can make a difference. This network exists to facilitate the exchange of ideas and to create connections that will enable healthcare companies to better serve the world's healthcare needs - today and tomorrow.
Is the INSEAD Alumni Healthcare Network only open to INSEAD graduates?
No, healthcare executives from non-INSEAD institutions are welcome to get involved. Our purpose is to promote the exchange of ideas and innovation in the healthcare industry and no group has a monopoly on good ideas.
How can I get involved in the Network?
There are lots of ways to get involved. Join your national group, if there is one, or apply to start a group in your country. Volunteer to organise or to help organise an event. Contribute to the forum discussions on LinkedIn. Make contact with the Healthcare Management Initiative or the On-campus Healthcare Club.
How can my company sponsor the INSEAD Alumni Healthcare Network?
We have various types of sponsorship opportunities available, for the annual Summit, local meetings and the website. Contact our Officers for more information.

More FAQs will be coming here soon. If you have any questions in the meantime, please email us at: [email protected]
